About Me

Hi, my name is Pantelis Liolios. I have a PhD in Rock Mechanics and more specifically in constitutive modelling of cohesive - frictional materials. Since 2014, I am teaching the subject alongside with rock blasting engineering. 

I develop, professionally, scientific software and web applications for engineers. I am currently using Python and before that I was using Matlab, PHP and Java. If you are interested in the projects that I'm currently working on or worked in the past, you can find a list here. On the other hand, if you are interested in my research, you can find a list of my publications here. You can, also, find me in LinkedIn, ResearchGate and Github.

In this blog I will be writing technical articles on Continuum Mechanics, Rock Mechanics, Computational Mechanics, Rock Blasting Engineering or anything else that I find interesting but does not strictly belong to these categories. I will, also, share some Python or Matlab code whenever it is handy. If you wish to use some of the content for educational purposes, you may do so, but please mention/cite that the source is pantelisliolios.com.

Thank you for visiting my blog. If you find something useful or interesting, don't forget to leave a comment. If you wish to contact me, you may do so through my social accounts or directly by email (replace the _at_ and _dot_ appropriately).
